UMF Rotaract Dodge Ball for Cystic Fibrosis
Posted by Douglas R. Ibarguen
A Dodge Ball tournament sponsored by our UMF Rotaract Club to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis will take place Tuesday night, April 27th, at 7pm at the Fitness and Recreation Center.
The Dodge Ball tournament to raise funds for Cystic Fibrosis will take place Tuesday night, April 27th, at 7pm at the Fitness and Recreation Center (if this location or time is changed, Angela West of the UMF Rotaract Club will let us know immediately). The price is $4 per person, and there will be 10-person teams. If you don't have a full team of 10, Rotaract can provide you with a few people to make your team whole. The winner of the tournament will receive 10 gift certificates to Gifford's and 10 movie tickets. There is a best-dressed team winner prize of 2 large (1-topping) pizzas from Amato's. If your team brings in extra donations, for the first $20, you will receive a one-ball advantage. One more extra ball will be added for every $50 beyond that.
Ivan Gould says: "I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE CLUB STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND DO THIS!!!" Not only as a way to raise money for the community but more so to HELP our UMF club also! I would like to challenge the Rotary E-Board to join also and seeing as how we did so well with the Price is Right to ALSO match (or even have a limit to match up to) any or all sponsors or donations the team may raise for the tournament!!!! I think to make things simple and not force anyone to join or feel uncomfortable I will close by stating the following.... Please email back to me ( with one of the following---- 1, 2, or 3
1 = Count me IN! 2 = I will if needed, but can just as easily sit this one out if not needed. 3 = Thanks for the offer, but No Thank You.
Ivan Gould says: "I WOULD LIKE TO SEE THE CLUB STEP UP TO THE PLATE AND DO THIS!!!" Not only as a way to raise money for the community but more so to HELP our UMF club also! I would like to challenge the Rotary E-Board to join also and seeing as how we did so well with the Price is Right to ALSO match (or even have a limit to match up to) any or all sponsors or donations the team may raise for the tournament!!!! I think to make things simple and not force anyone to join or feel uncomfortable I will close by stating the following.... Please email back to me ( with one of the following---- 1, 2, or 3
1 = Count me IN! 2 = I will if needed, but can just as easily sit this one out if not needed. 3 = Thanks for the offer, but No Thank You.